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TiVo Inc.

TiVo was founded in 1997 and produced it's first hardware for the public in 1999. The company is based in Alviso, California, a smaller town near San Jose. Several months after its initial hardware began to ship (produced and distributed by Philips), the company went public. TiVo trades under the ticker symbol TIVO on the NASDAQ exchange.

At inception, the CEO of the company was Michael Ramsay. He was succeeded by the current CEO, Thomas Rogers, in July of 2005.

Originally, TiVo tried to stay out of the business of making hardware, focusing instead on the software, and on working with partners to develop the necessary hardware. Their two initial partners were Philips and Sony. Eventually, TiVo began producing hardware themselves (through contract manufacturers) starting with the TiVo Series 2 model TCD140060.

In 2016, TiVo was acquired by Rovi. Rovi then took the TiVo name and currently uses it as the name for the combined company.

TiVo Bolt with Lifetime Service starting at $299.99 on Amazon
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