TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000
Front of the TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000

Back of the TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000

Facts about the TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000:
Manufacturer |
TiVo |
Approximate Manufacture Dates |
2015 - 2017 |
TiVo Service Number Prefix |
849 - What is this? |
Original Hard Drive Size |
500 GB or 1 TB Western Digital (laptop size drive) |
Hard Drive Format |
Original Recording Capacity |
70 or 120 Hours HD |
Exterior Dimensions |
11.5 x 7 x 2 inches |
Weight (without cables and remote) |
2 pounds (unit only) |
Input Connections |
1 Antenna/Cable |
Output Connections |
1 L/R audio (headphone size) 1 HDMI 1 Toslink Digital Audio Optical |
Other Ports |
1 Ethernet (RJ-45) 2 USB 1 eSATA 1 Power (uses external brick) |
Original Remote |
Series6 White TiVo Peanut Remote (IR/RF) - TiVo Remote Info |
Buttons on Faceplate |
None |
Fan Size |
50 x 50 x 25 mm |
Current OS Version |
20.2 |
DirecTV Compatibility |
No |
Dual Tuner Capability |
Yes |
Networking Features |
Yes |
High Definition |
Yes |
Link to full product description |
TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000 info at TiVopedia |
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General Description of the TiVo Roamio BOLT Series6 - TCD849500 and TCD849000:
The BOLT is the first 4K TiVo ever. It can record from cable or antenna.
Remote Info for the Series6 White TiVo Peanut Remote (IR/RF):
Just like the Roamio remote that came before it, but with a white case.
Type and Color |
Series6 White TiVo Peanut Remote (IR/RF) |
Number of Buttons |
36 |
DVR 1-2 Switch |
no |
SAT/TV Switch |
No |
Compatibility |
Compatible with all TiVo DVRs which use the Peanut remote. Originally intended for Series6 models from TiVo. RF only works with Series5 and Series6 models, or Series4 with dongle. |
Order a Replacement |
TiVo Roamio Remote at weaKnees |